Ultimate for Professionals

Empower your contact center with advanced solutions that meet the unique needs of your business, including customer feedback, quality management, and integrations to your applications.

For contact centers with multiple employee skill sets working across several domains, or distributed over multiple locations, this advanced solution creates a virtual, yet unified view of your workforce. Group employees by skill set and route calls and inquiries accordingly. Provide granular Service Level Agreement (SLA) workflows to ensure performance and patient satisfaction.

Dramatically improve performance with our Quality Management module and library of Workforce Management Solutions.

With our intuitive administrative console, easily leverage our API’s for seamless integration with your other mission-critical applications and customer information databases.

One thing is certain – your business will change and evolve over time.  Our advanced cloud solution ensures that we evolve with you. You can change your scripts, routing rules, application layout, agent monitoring services, or add new channels of engagement.  But you’ll never have to change your customer engagement solution again.